Sabado, Pebrero 13, 2016

What is Love

What is love?

              Tomorrow is already Valentine's Day, it is the day that we share our love,our cards and our gifts to those people we love, and by the way we are talking about love but WHAT IS LOVE? and each of us has already have a definition of love and different people have their own different meaning and definition, and here's mine.
               Love is like a rain, when it fall there is no turning back and it's very hard to predict and stop, rain drop is symbolized of blessing but if every drop will turn into sign of pain so I'll take it as a lesson and gain, because Learning from your failure is the best way of moving on.
               Love is like a rose, it's lovely but it filled with thorns, a thorns that test your faith and your loyalty to hold on even in the time of death, because love is full of madness but when you successfully pass it, it will give you an eternal happiness.
               Love is like an our own selves, we don't want it to be break and get hurt, we are over protected and caring, we only have one life,one self and one heart so find it's pair, true love are already complete with two person a male and female who really love each other and not by same sex couple, because God made man only for woman and woman only for man. 
               Love needs protect,care and understanding, and remember love your pair,parents, friends,your children and your neighbor as you love your self.
               Love is like a glass, it is very sensitive of falling, it is afraid of breaking and when it broke it result of nothing but it's not yet too late, you only have a two option , first is you will try to form it again or second leave it broken, if you try to put it together you will gain several wounds, a wounds that test your dedication and willingness but sometimes it's better to leave it broken than to get hurt.
                Love is universal, it will not depend on  conditions, time and places even if they say there is nothing last forever but don't be bitter because from the start love is already existing, even the times that you are in your mother's womb your parents loves you that's why you are not getting aborted and they decided to let you live, love is balance of madness and happiness and the final thing that need you to remember the most is "LOVE IS GOD".

-Happy Valentines. <3

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